Friends of Trees has set a planting day in our neighborhood on Saturday, December 2nd. This is an opportunity for neighbors who have lost or cut their street trees to select a new variety for planting and help with the restoration of the tree canopy and beautification of our neighborhood. Here is what you need to know:
- Interested residents can register for your trees at by the cutoff date. Trees are $35 each. Creating an account with FoT does not obligate you to purchase a tree but you must create an account to get information and to get the process started.
- Check to see if you need a tree permit for removal or planting at
- Removal of old trees and stumps is the resident’s responsibility. Here is a list of arborists that can help you:
- Friends of Trees will check out the location for the tree and help you pick an appropriate species, dig the hole, and plant the tree.
- Resident must WATER that tree for three years which is why watering bags are available. These can be filled weekly to ease watering requirements.
- They will be here with your reserved tree and plant it on Saturday, December 2.
We hope this program offers you a minimum of work and expense to restore trees in our community. VFLNA and your neighbors appreciate your efforts to keep our neighborhood beautiful.